1 February 2017
What does it feel like to join The Good Fight?
I mean, it's wonderful, if feels phenomenal, so to speak. Yeah, a real privilege actually to step into this world, a world that I have adored watching from the audience perspective. And so, I feel incredibly humbled, but also very kind of like passionate about wanting to make it its own beast, but also on the same par of a level of same cinematic quality, and also the writing. The Kings are geniuses. And it's a wonderful thing that we're able to start ‘The Good Fight’ with the fabulous lady herself, Christine Baranski. So, it's wonderful.
How would you describe The Good Fight?
It takes us a year after ‘The Good Wife’ finished. And so we follow Diane, and we also follow Lucca into their new law firm. And then I play a character called Maia Rindell, and I am a new lawyer, and I'm kind of like being thrust into this new world.
Who is Maia Rindell?
She is a young, ambitious lawyer, an intelligent woman. She's just passed her bar exam, and she is the goddaughter to Diane Lockhart, played by Christine Baranski, obviously. And so Diane takes her under her wing, and she's kind of given a whole load of trials and tribulations, particularly in the first episode. Her parents are part of a Ponzi scheme, and so they have scammed billions out of innocent people who have trusted them with their money. And so, of course, that's going to filter down into the way that she now interacts with her parents. That whole dynamic has shifted. So, she's dealing with family life on top of her career, and trying to start that because, you know, she wants to be a lawyer, and she's dedicated, and she's passionate about her work. And so, a lot is thrown at her within the first episode.
What will be Maia’s “good fight”?
She's highly competent, but also willing and passionate about the law, wanting to make her own mark, and uses Diane as a kind of oracle and very much that mentor who she looks up to. And so, I think her good fight is to be the best lawyer that she can.
Will The Good Fight explore issues relevant to a modern audience?
The first episode was to do with police brutality, racial police brutality, and that is very much a topic that is in the forefront of all of minds. It is impressive and also right to bring it to the forefront of our television series and make sure that more people debate and talk about it, so that this is never brushed under the carpet.
What is it like to be part of an ensemble of strong female characters?
That you are in awe of these incredibly impressive women who own it in terms of, they walk into that room, they have this very kind of courageous body language whereby they know what they want, and they strive to make sure that they make a difference in their world. And that's incredibly, not only obviously compelling to watch, but it is very impressive to be around. And as an actor you just wanted to be surrounded – as a woman as well, you want to be surrounded by these brilliant women who own it.
Where do you find inner strength from in your own life?
Personally, for me, I am one of five children so we are a family of seven. And so, I would say that I pull my inner strength from family. And also I love nature. So, I suppose that there's going on walks in the countryside, you get that real kind of grounding, that sense of coming back to one. And I think that's where I kind of get my strength from – from nature, really.
Will the strong sense of fashion carry over from The Good Wife?
Love the fashion on the show! I am completely enamored of Dan Lawson who is head of costume on the show. And he worked for all the seven seasons on The Good Wife as well. And so, once again, I'm surrounded by geniuses. But yes, he absolutely is one, and at the forefront of this profession, man. Like, he's amazing. He really looks to detail when one puts on a jacket, or a dress, or even a top, and everything is tailored. So, everything is kind of like precise. And so, yeah, he could make anyone kind of like – not anyone, but he has that touch to make anyone and everyone feel very graceful just in the way that he fits clothes.
Why will fans of The Good Wife enjoy The Good Fight?
We get to see the world. We delve back into the world of, I suppose, Diane Lockhart, and we also get to follow Lucca and see where this new journey takes both of them. Because they are formidable women, they are highly – I mean, they're wonderful characters played beautifully by both actors obviously. And so, I think we can expect – from The Good Fight we can expect some very impressive women strutting their stuff.
The Good Fight airs in More 4 this March.